本文由 发布,转载请注明出处,如有问题请联系我们! 发布时间: 2021-08-01电脑点击右键没有新建文件夹-右键没有新建恢复方法


安裝office 2007后,桌面上鼠标右键菜单“新创建”中沒有相匹配的word Excel PowerPoint。解决方法如下所示:




[HKEY _ CLASES _ ROOT \。docx]

@= "字。文档12”

"內容种类" = "应用软件/open XML formats-office document . word processing ml . document "

"认知种类" = "文本文档"

[HKEY _ CLASES _ ROOT \。docx\PersistentHandler]

@ = " { D3B 41 FA1-01E 3-49AF-AA25-1D 0D 824275 AE } "

[HKEY _ CLASES _ ROOT \。docx\ShellEx]

[HKEY _ CLASES _ ROOT \。docx\ShellEx\PropertyHandler]

@ = " { 993 be 281-6695-4 ba 5-8A2A-7AACBFAAB69E } "

[HKEY _ CLASES _ ROOT \。docx \ Shellex \ { 8895 B1 c 6-b41f-4c 1c-a562-0d 564250836 f \ }]

@ = " { 84f 66100-FF7C-4 FB 4-b0c 0-02cd 7 FB 668 Fe } "

[HKEY _ CLASES _ ROOT \。docx \ ShellEx \ { bb2e 617 C-0920-11 D1-9a0 B- 00c 04 fc 2d 6 C1 \ }]

@ = " { c 41662 bb-1FA0-4ce 0-8 dc5-9b7f 8279 f97 } "

[HKEY _ CLASES _ ROOT \。docx\Word。文档. 12]

[HKEY _ CLASES _ ROOT \。docx\Word。文本文档12\ShellNew]

" NullFile"= " "



[HKEY _ CLASES _ ROOT \。xlsx]


"內容种类" = "应用软件/open XML formats-office document . spreadsheetml . sheet "

"认知种类" = "文本文档"

[HKEY _ CLASES _ ROOT \。xlsx\Excel。第12页]

[HKEY _ CLASES _ ROOT \。xlsx\Excel。活页12\ShellNew]

" FileName"="excel12.xlsx "

[HKEY _ CLASES _ ROOT \。xlsx\PersistentHandler]

@ = " { 4887767 f-7 ADC-4983-B576-88fb 643 d6f 79 } "

[HKEY _ CLASES _ ROOT \。xlsx\shellex]

[HKEY _ CLASES _ ROOT \。xlsx\shellex\PropertyHandler]

@ = " { 993 be 281-6695-4 ba 5-8A2A-7AACBFAAB69E } "

[HKEY _ CLASES _ ROOT \。xlsx \ shellex \ { 8895 B1 C6-b41f-4c 1c-a562-0d 564250836 f \ }]

@ = " { 00020827-0000-0000-C000-000000000046 } "

[HKEY _ CLASES _ ROOT \。xlsx \ shellex \ { bb2e 617 C-0920-11 D1-9a0 B- 00c 04 fc2d 6 C1 \ }]

@ = " { c 41662 bb-1FA0-4ce 0-8 dc5-9b7f 8279 f97 } "



[HKEY _ CLASES _ ROOT \。pptx]

@="PowerPoint。Show.12 "

"內容种类" = "应用软件/open XML formats-office document . presentation ml . presentation "

"认知种类" = "文本文档"

[HKEY _ CLASES _ ROOT \。pptx\PersistentHandler]

@ = " { 4F 46 F75F-199 F-4C 63-8B7D-86D 48 Fe 7970 c } "

[HKEY _ CLASES _ ROOT \。pptx\PowerPoint。表明. 12]

[HKEY _ CLASES _ ROOT \。pptx\PowerPoint。Show.12\ShellNew]

" FileName " = " pwrpnt12.pptx "

[HKEY _ CLASES _ ROOT \。pptx\shellex]

[HKEY _ CLASES _ ROOT \。pptx\shellex\PropertyHandler]

@ = " { 993 be 281-6695-4 ba 5-8A2A-7AACBFAAB69E } "

[HKEY _ CLASES _ ROOT \。pptx \ shellex \ { 8895 B1 C6-b41f-4c 1c-a562-0d 564250836 f \ }]

@ = " { 65235197-874 B- 4a 07-BDC 5-e 65 ea 825 b 718 } "

[HKEY _ CLASES _ ROOT \。pptx \ shellex \ { bb2e 617 C-0920-11 D1-9a0 B- 00c 04 fc 2d 6 C1 \ }]

@ = " { c 41662 bb-1FA0-4ce 0-8 dc5-9b7f 8279 f97 } "


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